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Users may be granted permissions based on the type of user their account is configured with.  The following tables indicate what permissions are available to each user type. 

(plus) indicates that a permission is available to the given user type

(tick) indicates that the permission is automatically granted to the given user type and may not be removed

(error) indicates that the permission is not available to the given user type

General permissions

PermissionFacility UserFacility ManagerGeneral UserRadiology SupportTranscriptionistRadiologistLimited AdminAdministrator
Ability to attach files to cases, or download attached files
Ability to change one’s own password
Access to the web-based interface for directly uploading studies to OnePacs
Allows the user to use the web viewers, or other preferred viewer, to review cases
Ability to view completed reports for cases
 Ability to add notes to studies, view notes written by other users, and view or modify the 'flagged' status of cases
Ability to attach files to cases, or download attached files
Access to the study confirmation (online requisition) system
Generate HTML links to open studies on the OnePacs system, which can be used by users without OnePacs accounts
Allows users to utilize the HIPAA-compliant OnePacs messaging system to send/receive OnePacs email to/from non-administrator users.
Allows users to export data to csv or export charts/graphs. Should be given only to administrators as this enables the user to potentially sensitive administrative data.
Access to the incoming documents panel on the worklist
Allows access to the study notification feature on the worklist.
Allows access to the study history audit feature on the worklist.
Allows users to modify patient, study, or series metadata from a DICOM exam.  Note:  this feature must also be enabled at the facility level for permissions to be effective. 
Emails a notice that a new diagnostic report is available for a patient, without revealing patient information. A link is included that will open the report in OnePacs (username/password authentication required)
Ability to change the status of a study without necessarily being able to report.  Generally not recommended but for atypical workflows.
Allows users access to the 'edit' button in facility directory info windows.
Allows deletion of studies and individual series of a study. Note facility users/managers are not allowed to delete studies with reports.  Note:   Facility users may not delete reported studies or in bulk.
Allows the user to view reports which are in “draft” rather than “complete” status.  Not applicable to users with the ability to report.
Ability to download a ZIP file containing the source DICOM data for studies on the OnePacs system.
Ability to manage groups of users. This allows users who are not system administrators (for example, IT support for a referring facility serviced by a teleradiology group) to assume control of management of their own users of the OnePacs system. Such “user group managers” may create new users and grant them system privileges, subject to the limitation that they may grant users access to only those facilities and system privileges that they themselves have.
Ability to register QA information for cases
Ability to view the QA review summary section.
Ability to view the audit history for system configuration.
Ability to view the user facility privileges table.
Ability to view reports completed by a transcriptionist but not yet approved by a radiologist.
Manage case reporting alerts
Ability to enter results reporting info without necessary a report. Useful for radiologist assistants
Ability to manage lists of standard phrases that may be inserted into reports from a drop-down menu

Administrative permissions

PermissionFacility UserFacility ManagerGeneral UserRadiology SupportTranscriptionistRadiologistLimited AdminAdministrator
Ability to manage facility level configuration.
Ability to manage facility subgroups.
Ability to manage facility radiologist ids.
Ability to manage facility user and facility manager accounts.
Ability to manage user accounts.
Ability to manage user access filters.
Ability to define rules for the sorting of incoming documents into access folders according to facility.
Ability to manage study fees for facilities and radiologists.
Ability to manage study types.
Ability to configure destinations (such as fax, secure email, email links to OnePacs studies, and HL7 upload destination) for report transmission, and rules by which reports should be transmitted. Ability to create reporting templates
Ability to designate studies as to be interpreted by specific radiologists.
Access to incoming documents which do not meet the criteria for insertion into any facility's folder
Ability to download the latest OnePacs Gateway software.
Allows the user to delete unfinalized draft reports of other users. 

Reporting permissions

PermissionFacility UserFacility ManagerGeneral UserRadiology SupportTranscriptionistRadiologistLimited AdminAdministrator
Allows use of the OnePacs DICOM poller, installed on local workstations, to automatically and manually download studies and priors directly from the local Gateway PC or directly from the OnePacs server
Allows the radiologist to submit reports for proofreading workflow.  Also requires facility-level activation of this feature.

Optional permissions available with subscription

PermissionFacility UserFacility ManagerGeneral UserRadiology SupportTranscriptionistRadiologistLimited AdminAdministrator
Allows use of the OnePacs Report Generator
Allows use of OnePacs Voice Recognition
Manage rules that automatically assign cases to interpreting physicians.
Enables a physician to be eligible for peer reviewing of completed cases.
Enables a physician to peer review studies on-demand.
Allows a user to manage peer review configuration.
Allows user to transmit report by fax.
Allows user to access the interfaces dashboard.
Allows user to open a support ticket directly with OnePacs Support.

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