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  • Using the OnePacs Study Retriever as a Router
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This document applies to OnePacs Study Retriever version 13.0+.

What is the OnePacs Study Retriever?

The OnePacs Study Retriever is software that interacts with a user account in the OnePacs Cloud to securely pull down studies and their priors and push them to a DICOM destination.  There are a few different scenarios for using the Study Retriever:

  1. A radiologist using it in conjunction with the OnePacs Workstation (OPW)
  2. A radiologist using it to send images to a non-OnePacs medical image viewer
  3. A radiology group using it to send into their PACS

This document will focus on scenarios 2 & 3.  Scenario 1 is the stock OnePacs use case (i.e. use OPW and the Study Retriever to interact with their worklist on OnePacs), and is covered in other areas of the OnePacs documentation

Where does it run?

The OnePacs Study Retriever runs on a Windows-based computer on the same local network that the destination viewer or PACS exists.  The computer may be a physical server or a virtual machine.  The OnePacs Study Retriever runs as a taskbar application on the computer and requires a user to be logged in, but the computer should be locked when not being actively used.

Does it require a VPN?

No.  The OnePacs Study Retriever uses an authenticated HTTPS connection to securely communicate with the OnePacs Cloud over the internet.


Hardware, software and bandwidth requirements:


A physical server, PC, or virtual machine.

Operating System (64 bit required)

Windows 10, Windows 11, WIndows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2022


A modern high-end multicore processor is recommended


16 GB or more recommended, 8 GB minimum

Disk Space

At least 100 GB free disk space on C:


Minimum bandwidth of 5 Mbps. 100 Mbps or greater is recommended.

Network Requirements:

The OnePacs Study Retriever does not require a public IP, or static IP address or any inbound ports to be opened in your organization's firewall.  It does need to be able to communicate over the local network to the PACS or viewer computer that it will send studies to.  This will require DICOM communication to an accessible IP address and port.


Encryption in-flight 

All information transmitted to and from the cloud platform is encrypted using using HTTPS.

Persistence of data

The OnePacs Study Retriever caches downloaded studies for 4 hours by default, but can be configured for other storage periods.

To ensure proper operation of the Study Retriever exclude the following directory from anti-virus scans: C:\Program Files\OnePacs 
Secure Local Network

By default, the OnePacs Study Retriever is configured to send DICOM images to a local PACS or viewer on a secure local area network (LAN).  It is not recommended to store images from the Study Retriever to a destination on an untrusted network.  All inbound image transmissions from the OnePacs Cloud uses HTTPS.

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