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  • Mammography CAD Markers/Contours
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Mammography CAD SR document is a DICOM file provided by Manufacturer which has encoded information for CAD findings that are detected using specific CAD algorithms. OnePacs Workstation supports Mammography CAD SR documents to decode and display CAD findings. Mammography CAD findings are categorized in two groups:

  • CAD marker: defines a CAD finding with a single point
  • CAD contour: defines a CAD finding with more than one point like ellipse, rectangle, polygons, etc.


CAD markers and contours are shown/hidden using the following context-menu items when a mammography image is right-clicked, so only CAD markers, only CAD contours or both can be shown/hidden at any time.



Showing CAD markers or contours will automatically show CAD Marker Summary Annotation which displays the number of CAD markers at the bottom of the image.


OnePacs Workstation supports 3 different types of CAD markers and visualizes them with the following shapes and colors. CAD contours are displayed with their original shapes as defined in Mammography CAD SR document.

  • Mammographic Breast Density: displayed as asterisk
  • Calcification Cluster: displayed as triangle
  • Individual Calcification: displayed as plus


Also, it is possible to display finding information for each CAD marker and contour when mouse hovers on. Finding Type, Manufacturer, Content Date/Time, Algorithm Name/Version and Operating Point are displayed if defined in Mammography CAD SR document.


Note that mammography CAD markers and contours are not automatically displayed not to affect the radiologist's vision.




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