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Administrators, radiology assistants, and facility managers may deactivate users if necessary.  Deactivated users are not shown by default on the user list, but can be included by selecting the "Show Deactivated" checkbox.

Deactivated users may not login to OnePacs. 

Immediate Deactivation

Users can be immediately deactivated from the user management list.   Right click on the user to deactivate and then select deactivate menu option to see the deactivate options. 


Scheduled Deactivation

At times, it may make sense to schedule a user's deactivation.   To schedule a user's deactivation, select the user and click the Deactivate button's arrow to select the "Schedule user for deactivation" option.  Complete the form with the date and time when the user should be deactivated. 

Reactivate a user

To reactivate a user, first click on the "Show Deactivated" checkbox from the user management list and find the desired user.   Edit the user and check the "User is active" checkbox.   Save the user.   It may be a good idea to force the user change their password and review other aspects of the user's account at this time.

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